Neighborhood Info

New Message Board

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Get a Story Welcome Packet and be listed in our neighborhood address book

Are you new to the neighborhood? Or just dropped off the radar? Add your name to the neighborhood address book. It's a handy way for neighbors to stay in contact and is only available to residents of Story. Contact the Welcome Subcommittee.

Property Tax Reduction Program

One of the benefits of living in a historic district is the property tax reduction. Learn more here.

Book Club

Join the neighborhood bookworms for fun and intellectual stimulation every month.

Countdown to Trash Pickup

Our uncontained trash in the alley is due to be picked up four times a year. Here's a link to the City's bulk trash pick-up schedule.

VA winner

One of the tricks to living in an historic home is transforming it without changing it.

Dave and Zorica Carlson are doing just that to their Spanish Revival home, reworking it from the inside out while respecting the charm of their 1930s-era home.

They are touching up the paint on the home's broad exterior and restoring the original sash windows. They've nurtured a flush of emerald-green winter grass to offset the home's white exterior, and added pops of color, from towering bouganvillea to pots of seasonal flowers.

The real transformation is on the inside, where they have been methodically turning what was once a care facility with no kitchen into a home fit for the 21st Century, but reflecting the spirit of the early 20th Century.

For this, the home at 1006 W. Roosevelt is the winner of the December Visual Award. The award is fitting in another way: Years ago, Dave welded the metal stand that holds the award sign. It's since been replaced, due to years of wear and tear, but he left his own mark on the neighborhood's long-running Visual Award.